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Lacerated Saccharine...

Holding a null gaze, i was glued to my study chair. I guess i was contemplating about something. This feeling is no new to me. I hold this outlandish pain at the core of my heart from an archaic period. Year after year i felt this lacerated saccharine. I could hardly remember any day being shunned from it and now i guess i am addicted to it. Every now and then i lost my helm and indulge myself in this imbibe. I am pretty sure that this sweet venom is contributing a lot in my blood and whenever my consciousness wakeup form slumber (generally few times a day), it rushes directly to my brain and give me a state of serenity. Droplets rolled through my cheeks and dangle to my chin as a pendant think of whether it embellishes or glooming that moment. A catharsis followed by nostalgia elevates me from my present state, and then it starts.....I delve in the abyss of my past, lament on it mull about those wrong step i have taken. Little did i realise that i can’t change my past....no one can. Still this feeling revive itself as a moment of realisation for me and makes me paralysed. Today it’s a part of my identity, a part of who i am and what i loss in my life. Now i neither lament nor exclaimed of its presence but try to live with it in symbiosis, as this sweet pain is the only thing i left with after she.....


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