In the movie “Shawswank Redemption” this phrase was used for the character Andrew Buffet and not for any real bird. This metaphor may hold some meaning in the free world but a place like prison where people can’t squeezes a drop without asking permission for it, these words are alien. This film produced by: Niki Marvin directed by: Frank Darabont and acted perfectly by narrator Morgan Freeman (Red) and Tim Robbins (Andrew) is one of my favourite. Not just it shows how a man crawl 500 yards of shit smelling foulness for his freedom and how no prison can keep the thoughts behind bars and take away your internal freedom but also this movie display numerous encounter which are as clear as crystal.
The scene where brooks completed his sentence and after coming out writes to his inmates about the outside world. Explaining about how fast things move on the outside and for an old chap like him how difficult it is to keep pace with it. Very well it portrait the life of a full baked institutionalised man.
Also the part where Andrew Buffet uses his wit and acumen for winning the trust of jail staffs including the warden and single-handedly manage the entire unofficial dirty works. The part where on the command of the warden he manages to siphon the money supposed to be used on Shawswank’s infrastructure into the name of some hypothetical person’s identity. And when one fine day Red curiously ask about it Andrew said “the funny thing is, on the outside I was a honest man, straight as an arrow I have to come to the prison to be a crook”.
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