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Highway or Roller coaster.!!!!

Some says life is a roller coaster ride, some say it’s a highway, Robert forest also says “Two paths diverge”. Well one thing is concrete that we all came alone and will go by same. Every Tom Dick Harry will traverse his path alone. Isn’t it mean that we all naked, living our life on mere plethora of choices!!!!Well i don’t know, but this aberrant thought brings one valid question in my mind. What’s the biggest fear for anyone??? Isn’t its being left alone in this world? May be that’s why a child is first foster by his parents, then come friends and after that in the aegis of his life partner, somehow to allay his worst nightmare. Sardonically “life partner” itself is an abstruse term. It’s palpable and logical, in literal meaning off course, that a life partner is the amulet for adding the link of your pedigree, alas, it don’t mitigate your fear of being alone in the highway. What if after all this, terror intrude into your mind and permeate it with all this harsh fact. What if you waken from this nightmare, terrified off course, and discovers that you are alone with no identity, no one knows you. Your family, parents, peers all just vanishes like they never existed, like this is the first time you opened your eyes after coming out of womb, like you are lost in this abysmal turmoil. What probable could be the expression? Would it be catharsis or wail? Would it be shock or shrill? I don’t know, the fact is i can’t even prognosticate. Can you....???


Evil_Inside said...

ok....a good start...seems u were quite despondent.....anewazs keep writing and comments will pop up!!!

Unknown said...

Good try..!!try not to loose a focus and do whatever u do with extreme passion..keep it up..!!

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