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Cling to you, holding you with both my arms and comforting me into your bosoms while my eyes were closed, my soul starts drifting towards somewhere, some new place. Somewhere I have never witnessed before. And it start trembling with fear knowing I am all alone, but suddenly and as always the warmth of your goodness give solace to my heart. Suddenly the axiom that “life is tough” changes into “life is beautiful”. And why not it should be for anyone...
If he gets your company while travelling,
If he gets your love while nestling,
If he gets your chest while crying,
If he gets your shoulder while fighting,
If he gets your lap for cuddling,
If he gets your lips for kissing,
If he gets your presence while hugging,
If anyone could see, the pattern of your love for me
They would know, even god seldom get the love which I have for thee. 


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