Till few days back I had a vague perception about “Chaos and Order”. By definition Chaos and Order have completely different meaning. One makes thing other breaks it, one delineate rules other shatter them all. But somewhere I had this vague belief that there should be some correlation between them that can’t be grabbed by naked eyes. Something more than what a lexicon suggest. This perception of mine gets vindicated the day one of my close friends tells me about the “Butterfly Effect”. Something which says that one flap of a butterfly could dramatically change the course of action of weather in coming future in a profound way. Needless to say, initially it sounds bizarre to me eardrum. For our logical minds it’s something which doesn’t make any sense. But I am fortunate that I am not soaked into my own belief system. I love to shatter any old dogma. And that’s when I googled about it and to my amazement this discovery doesn’t just say about the flap of one butterfly but the idea is so profound that the name coined for this theory is “The Theory of Everything”.
The Theory of Everything.....Huh!!! Isn’t that’s what our scientist community is trying to achieve. And if this theory compliments its name don’t you think that it should be the holy grail of our science. These questions baffled me so much that I thought I should take a look inside this theory and as I learned more about it it’s became clear that why majority of scientist community don’t acknowledge it. And it’s not just because no one can predict its outcome but also because it has no set of laws. Because the pillars of this theory are based on Chaos and Order. Because it says that out of Chaos order form itself and these Order form the next Chaos. It’s kind of repetition and the best selection out of it get promoted into the next level of Chaos and Order. Einstine once said that God don’t play checkered but I guess if god is playing checkered this is how god plays it. And these best selected one pass its excellence for the next set of Order and Chaos.
Darwin said...“Evolution continuous”. This theory says how it continuous. The next pertinent question should be why it continuous. Needless to say it’s a challenge thrown to our scientific community.
I am really excited to know about the outcome of this why part, but more so to evident that if this Theory of Everything is true how it helps us to take this fragile human consciousness of ours to the next level.